Contribution guidelines#
We are happy to welcome you as a contributor to the onTime project. This guide presents the contribution workflow and some guidelines to help you to get started.
Contributing to the code#
If you want to contribute code, please open an issue first or assign yourself to one. The issue board here, it’s always nice to check if what you want to do is already corresponding to an issue.
Branching model#
As of the 15th of January 2024, since the project is small, we add ourselves to the repository as contributors and we don’t use pull requests. We will use pull requests when the project will be bigger.
Still, please respect the following branch naming convention :
<issue number>-<issue slug>
For example, if you are working on issue #1, you should create a branch named 1-add-readme. If you are on an issue page, there is a button to create a branch with the correct name in the sidebar.
Submit bug reports#
To submit a bug report, please provide us with a comprehensive issue comment allowing us to reproduce the error.
In case the bug can be reproduced in a notebook, a link to a notebook executed on a tool like Binder is perfect.
Submit enhancements and feature requests#
To suggest enhancement or feature, the usual way is to make an issue. If you want to discuss with us live, please contact us.