Continuous Integration PyPI version

Make a Release#

This is a guides to publish onTime on PyPI.

  1. Change branch to main

    # make sure you are on the right branch
    git checkout main
  2. Merge develop on main

    git merge develop
    git push
  3. Update the version in pyproject.toml

    name = "ontime"
    version = "x.y.z-suffix"
  4. Commit and push

    git add pyproject.toml
    git commit -m 'Update version to x.y.z-suffix'
  5. Tag the version

    git tag -a v<x.y.z-suffix> -m 'Version x.y.z-suffix'
    git push origin v<x.y.z-suffix>
  6. Build the package

    make build
  7. Publish the package

    make publish

    Also, make the GitHub Release.

  8. Check if everything went well